Sunday, March 28, 2010


Mr. Randy is a gentleman who is diagnosed with about 10 tumors in his liver and was told that he was only gonna live 3-6 months ago. He is very humorous about his sickness. He is in very good shape and seems to be healthier than the average person. This lecture is about what Mr. Randy's childhood dreams were, how he achieved them, enabling the dreams of others and the lesson learned as time went by. He says that the inspiration to dream should never be lost in the children we are educating. Sometimes the dreams that we do not accomplish, are the most important life lessons that learn from. A important lesson that Mr. Randy learned was that when nobody is talking to you anymore about what you are doing that is when they have given up on you. It is very good that people tell you about yourself or inquire about what you are doing and how well you are doing something, are just signs that someone does care about what you are doing.
Mr. Randy speaks of "Brick Walls", the walls are imaginary walls that are up to prevent us from getting our ultimate dream or aspiration. These imaginary walls are put up to separate the people who are really trying to pursue a dream and those who will give up at the moment when it begins to get hard. This is an example to show how much a certain person may want something. He explains that most of his dreams had many brick walls that he thought he could not get over yet, with hard work and determination he was able to either achieve the dream or learn from what wasn't achieved. Another good lesson that he had learned in his life was that, you should never set the bar for education and your dreams too low because it is not only doing you a disservice but, it is doing a disservice if you are a teacher and you set the bar too low for your students.
Another concept that Dr. Randy speaks of is that as a parent you should let your children explore their imaginary thoughts and feelings. Randy painted his room as a young child and his parents let him and did not get upset that he wanted to do so. Mr. Randy explains that this is a very important key to letting your child be creative and explore their intellect. When we let children feel free to do whatever in a n education setting, it goes along with not setting any limits or bars as to when the child should reach full capacity of education. Don't ever set limitations on what you are teaching and what you expect from your students.
I completely agree with lots of the different topics that Mr. Randy is speaking of. You should always keep trying when pursuing anything in life as well as never set any limitations as to what you are able to learn.

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