Sunday, April 4, 2010


This blog posting was very interesting. I feel as though many of the things that both parties are writing about make great sense. For Miss Morgan saying that she feels that it is sometimes a waste to sit in lecture for hours at a time and spend hundreds of dollars on books to get an education on stuff that is so ancient. Many times you can type in a subject in Google or other search engines and find more information than you were getting out of those classes. I loved how Mr. Dan said that "Education is now free....not only free as in no cost but, free as liberated!" I think that it is great that you are able to find any information you need at the tip of our fingers. It is great that the Internet allows you to post information that you feel is important as well as finding the information you really need. I also think that education does need to step up the level of keeping the students engaged. Certain subjects get very boring and when you can use interactive tools such as the Internet or computer. it makes the class more fun to want to go to and participate.

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